Friday, September 13, 2024

August 2024 Meeting

Possum Town Quilters met for their regular monthly meeting on Saturday, August 10, 2024. The meeting opened with a welcome from guild president, Karen Cauley.  There were 16 members in attendance and 1 visitor.  Minutes for the July 24 and August 24 meetings will be presented for approval at the Sep 24 meeting. The treasury report was given by Treasurer, Judy S.  The treasurers report was presented and approved unanimously.  

Old Business

Committee Chair Reports

Raffle Quilt Committee - "Southern Sayings" - Tonya S. and Patti M. - Judy and Tonya will meet at Magnolia Hieirlooms to choose border/backing.  Cheri will as Brenda E. if she will embroider southern sayings on fabric to be placed at quilt top.  

Quilt of Valor - Ina J. is taking to the quilter.  Brenda stated we may have two dedications for QOV in Sep at thge Rosenzweig Arts Center.  

Nomination Committee - Karen recommended a  committee be formed to search for future President, Vice President, and Secretary positions.  Judy S. will serve as Treasurer for another year.  No volunteers. 

New Business

- Sep 24 Meeting - Jellyroll Race and/or Linda Baine's Granny Square quilt blocks which will be put together and donated to the Arts Center for our rent.  The Guild paid Linda's family $100 for the blocks which also includes the backing.

- Sew Day Sep 21, 2024

- Pat H. brought magazines from Sue S. for pick up by members.

- Carol J. will be finishing selling Linda Baine's fabric, etc. for $1 per yard this month.

Program -

Brenda C. presented the Block of the Month for Aug using Tri-Rec rulers. 

Judy S. demonstrated various ways to use scraps for scrap quilts.  She showed how to use leader/enders, how to organize scraps by color and size, how to use same shades of color named Duckwork quilts. Search for Duckworth quilts on Pinterest for ideas.  

Brenda C. demonstrated using scraps for making string quilts using pages from a phone book for backing.  She also demonstrated making tumbler quilts using a ruler or making a template

Show and Tell

Shannon J. - Scrap Quilt

Shannon J. - Lori Holt's scrap quilt

Brenda C. - Mother's Scrap Quilt

Brenda C. - Triangles in a Row

Brenda C. - Andrew's Baby Quilt

Carol J. - Baby quilt

Judy S. - Bargello quilt

Patty J. - Twist Cat quilt

Julia G. - Dog art quilt


  1. Looks like some beautiful quilting going on!! 👏👏❤️

  2. Beautiful quilts. I hope to join soon.
