Mar 8, 2025

March 8, 2025 Meeting

Meeting was called to order.

Carol and Ina motioned and seconded the February minutes be accepted as posted on blog.

Judy updated on the January & February treasurer report. Shannon and Brenda C. motioned and seconded to accept them as read.

For Old Business:

March 18th will be the Quilt of Valor Library program at 11-1 pm. It was asked for a volunteer who will lead this program and Brenda C. said she would check with Gwen's availability.

Raffle quilt top is complete and Watana is lined up to quilt it for us.

For New Business:

Maple Street has to find a new location to meet and are in need of somewhere to store their fabric. Several are checking out possible venues, but they would appreciate any ideas for possible places to move to. If you have any suggestions please contact Judy, Shannon, or Brenda C.

Artisan Day will be April 12th. Maple Street will be there hand-quilting, so be sure to drop by or stay and try out hand-quilting with these experienced ladies.

Because of Artisan day being on our usual meeting day we will have a brief meeting and sew day on April 5th. Lunch will be provided.

Bargello Class will be held on March 29th with Judy teaching the class. It will only be for those taking the class and you will need to purchase a copy of one of the books that will be posted further down. Lunch will be provided and Ina and Brenda C offered to bring a dessert for it.

We are in search for a national teacher for next year. Patti is planning on checking with Joncie Smith for a proposal of class possibilities and dates.

Patti informed us that the June gathering will be a fun 2 day event this year (Friday and Saturday). There will be classes and fun sewing for all.

Show and Tell:

Ebba - French Braid
Ebba - Loud
Ebba - For a Redhead
Ebba - For a Brunette

Julia - Purple Ocean theme - Ocean Waves
Julia - Tree of Life for Emma Jane

Cece - Maple Street Log Cabin

Pat - Jenny Doan's Opposites Attract

Brenda C. PTQ 2024 BOM

Tonya - Flintstone Blocks

Elayne announced that from March 18th through April 3rd there will be a (free to the public) art show at from 8-4 in Summer Hall on MUW campus. She shared a cute "poem" that went with a picture of a quilter hanging there.

2 door prizes were drawn today: CeCe won the first one and Brenda C. won the second one.

DEMO by Judy:
Judy demoed the class she will be teaching on March 29th. There are two book options for you to choose from if you wish to participate. You must have at least one to participate as you will choose your pattern from these. 

If you are wanting a smaller version the Braided Bargello Quilts is the way to go. Both are Available on Amazon and here is the link to them if you need it:

Braided Bargello Quilts ($18.60 plus tax as of March 8, 2025):

Bargello Quilts in Motion ($19.95 plus tax as of March 8, 2025):

Judy recommended strongly that we read through the introduction of the book and all the information for the pattern you choose.

You will need a gradual gradient of colors in your fabric choices, the book will tell you how many sets, etc... here is an example of how the strip sets will go together.

You will cut 2.5" strips of fabric to make your strip sets (one of each set that your pattern requires) and have them made before class if possible.

You will need to make a fabric number chart for the fabric you choose and keep your seam allowance consistent throughout your sewing. 

For the class, be sure to bring the following:
                Ziploc Bags (3-5)
                Seam Ripper
                Rotary cutter and cutting mat
                Sewing Machine   
                Strip Sets
                Bargello book
                Fabric # Chart
                Printed color copy of your pattern from the book

Examples of Bargello Quilts and Judy demoing: