Possum Town Quilters met for their regular monthly meeting on Saturday, January 14, 2023. The meeting opened with a welcome from guild president, Gwen Sisson. We also welcomed our first new member of the year to the guild. Sandy Nix is a long time quilter, originally from Corinth, and she brings a lot of knowledge and expertise to the Guild. We look forward to getting to know her better in the coming months. There were 23 members in attendance with no visitors. Marilyn Hood provided 3 door prizes for the meeting, The first door prize winner was Molly Champion!
Old Business
1. Changes to the By-Laws - At the Nov 12, 2022 meeting, changes/updates to several Articles in the current by laws dated July 2018 were submitted for consideration. Members were given handouts with the following edits for review.
Article IV - Election of Officers
Section 1. At the regular Guild meeting in August July, a Nominating Committee of three members shall be elected by the membership. No person shall serve two consecutive years on this committee.
Section 2. The Nominating Committee shall submit a proposed slate of officers to the entire membership at the regularly scheduled September August meeting. Additional nominations from the general membership can be made from the floor at this meeting, The consent of any proposed nominee must be obtained prior to the vote.
Section 3. The election of officers shall be held at the regularly scheduled September (no change) meeting. The election shall be presided over by the Chairperson of the Nominating Committee. In the event there is only candidate for each office, then voting shall be by a show of hands. In the event there is more than one candidate for any office, then voting shall be by written ballot.
Article VI - Meetings
Section 1. The regular meetings of this Guild shall be held third Saturday on the day and time designated by the guild members. The day may be changed by the majority vote of the membership.
Section 2. The regular monthly meeting in September (no change) shall be known as the Annual Business Meeting and shall be for the purpose of receiving reports of officers and committees, electing officers, and transacting any other business that may arise. A quorum of at least 40% of the general membership is required for the conduct of any business, either at a meeting or by mail or email.
Article VII – Committees
Section 2. Challenge Quilt: This committee is responsible for presenting a challenge block project to the Guild each year, from which a quilt will be made for donation to the Columbus Arts Council in lieu of payment of a monthly fee for the Guild meeting. In addition to preparing and presenting the annual block challenge, this committee is also responsible for arranging for the judging of the challenge blocks and for overseeing the timely piecing and quilting of the challenge quilt. (removed scheduled days of the month for meeting).
A motion was made by Lauren Hutchins to accept amended bylaws as stated. The motion was seconded by Terry Turnage. Amended bylaws were approved unanimously.
2. Historical and Publicity Committees - Gwen stated there is still a need for someone to take the lead on the Publicity Committee to submit news articles to the local papers and television station regarding current events in the Guild. Gwen serves as liaison with the Columbus-Lowdnes Public Library, Rita Williams is currently responsible for submitting Guild news for inclusion in the Mississippi Quilt Association (MQA) Common Thread newsletter. Since there were no volunteers to take on this role, Gwen will assume this responsibility. Volunteers are always welcomed to help with these duties at any time. There has not been anyone overseeing the historical committee responsibilities such as scrapbooking, posting or scanning articles for archives, etc. We are looking for a volunteer to step forward to assume these duties. There was some discussion as to what could be done to collect documents for future reference but no volunteers, A suggestion was made to table this discussion until the next meeting in Feb,
Second Door Prize Drawing - Barb Deacon was the winner!
New Business
1. Pigeon Forge 2023 Quilt Show Challenge - Brenda Crownover discussed details of the upcoming guild challenge which will be displayed at "A Mountain Quiltfest" in Pigeon Forge, TN June 5-8.
The theme for the challenge is "Water In Your World". Members were encouraged to participate, using any technique or combination of techniques. Fabrics in a wide range of blues had been selected, cut, and packaged for distribution. Brenda said quilts should be comprised of at least 20% of the fabric in the package and should measure 20" X 20" finished, We would like to have at least 10 members participate in the challenge but everyone is encouraged to participate. Finished pieces, to include a 4" hanging sleeve on back, are due to be turned in at the monthly meeting on Sat., April 8th. Detailed instructions for making a 4" hanging sleeve can be found at the following link:
2. Mystery Quilt Teacher - Brenda announced that Dorinda Evans has agreed to teach a class for the Guild to be held May 12 and May 13, On Friday evening, May 12th, Dorinda will treat us to a bed turning showcasing many of her beautiful quilts and entertaining us as she does so well. Dorinda is an international, as well as a national, quilt teacher. She is considered an accomplished quilter and teacher in the world of quilting and we are fortunate to have her come share some of her time with us. On Sat, May 14, Dorinda will teach a class on Color and Value. This class is sure to be fun as well as a great learning experience for everyone. Judy S. made a motion to approve having Dorinda Evans as a guest lecturer/teacher on May 12-13. Patti M. seconded the motion. Motion was approved unanimously.
3. MQA Gathering News - Patti M., current MQA Education Director, reminded the Guild that the MQA Spring Gathering will be held in Corinth, Feb 10-11. There is a great slate of guest speakers lined up for Friday night and local quilt shop, The Treasure Chest, will be staying open late for our shopping convenience. On Saturday there will be more guest speakers along with 3 vendors for shopping therapy. If you have not registered for this event, all pertinent information can be found in the current Common Threads newsletter or at the link below;
Patti also mentioned the dates for the 2023 Summer Gathering have been set! Mark your calendars for June 2-3, 2023. Details are still in the works but the date and the place are firm. She wanted to share the dates and that it will be held at Eagle Ridge (1500 Raymond Lake Rd, Raymond 39154) this year. There will be an opportunity for us to bunk where we're having the gathering so that is fantastic! We're really excited about this opportunity and hope it works out well for future MQA gatherings. Mark your calendars now.
4. Date Change for Feb Guild Meeting - Due to the MQA Spring Gathering falling on the regularly scheduled Guild meeting date, a suggestion was made to move the Feb monthly Guild meeting to the 4th Sat. this month or Feb 25th. Everyone agreed.
Committee Reports
1. Charity Quilts - Kimberly S. gave update on status of charity quilts. We currently have 8 quilt tops to be finished. She suggested rather than starting a new charity quilt that we finish the ones on hand. Terri H. offered to take pictures of the tops to share so that backing fabrics could be donated for each. Kimberly told us about "Beds for Kids" in West Point. They are in need of someone or some organization to make pillowcases for the children. A suggestion was made to have a short business meeting on Feb 25th and use the remainder of the time as a Sit and Sew to make pillowcases. Please make a note to bring your sewing machines and plan to stay and help work on this charity project if you can. Look for youthful novelty fabrics or colorful fabrics to share. Prewash fabrics in fragrance free detergent, if possible, before bringing, If you have not made a pillow case before, there is a great tutorial on Missouri Star Quilt Company. It's quick and easy. Link below.
Judy S, said that currently there is no Habitat for Humanity house ready to break ground but that Maple Street Quilters are hand quilting a quilt to be ready for the next home when the time comes. Kimberly said the 16 patch quilt blocks are still on the works. If interested in helping finish this quilt top, please see Kimberly.
2. Challenge Quilts - We have a really pretty magnolia quilt top that can be used for the "Rent" quilt. Barb Deacon volunteered to provide batting and quilting. The Guild had previously agreed to pay $100 to any member for charity quilting services,
3. Publicity - Update in Old Business (2.) above
4. Internet - Blog address is http://possumtownquilters.com/. Updated minutes can be found here each month along with yearly calendar of events and other information.
5. Historical - Update in Old Business (2.) above
6. Artisan Day - Artisan Day is normally held during the annual Historic Home Tours (Pilgrimage) which is Mar 16-26 this year, Initial dates we have been given on Artisan Day are Apr 14 or 15. These dates will be verified and an update will be given at next meeting,
General Announcements
1. Judy S. passed out updated membership directories and member pictorials.
2. Jan 28th is Local Quilt Shop Day. Be sure to let Magnolia Heirlooms know they are appreciated as well as the other quilt shops in our area. Let's go shop til we drop...or until the money runs out 😄
Third door prize won by Patt Moore!
Gwen asked members to bring examples of their favorite labels, She show
ed several labels she had made and some pre-printed panel labels she had purchased. There are so many options for labeling your quilts but the main thing is to just do it! Make a personal note, a historical record, of the quilt name, date, and any information such as a special note to the individual receiving the gift. All agreed a personalized hand written message is best, when possible.
Show and Tell
Marilyn H. - Bookcase Quilt
Gwen S. - Fidget Quilt
Rita W. - 3 yard quilt made
with glow in the dark frog fabric
Patti M. - Quilted journal book
Barb D. - Quilted journal book
Brenda C. - Quilted cover
for a journal book
Karen C. - "Glenna's Ribbons"
Shannon J. - Scrappy square
panel for future curtains
Shannon J. - Christmas Tree
Wall Hanging
Jennifer R. - T- Shirt Quilt #1
Jennifer R. - T- Shirt Quilt #2
Molly C. - "Good Fortune"
2018 Bonnie Hunter Mystery
Molly C. - "Stack A Posey"
Molly C. - PTQ Block of the Month, front
Julie M. - "My Star"
Julie M. - "Rose in Bloom", front
Brenda E. - "Beautiful Day"
fabric by Corey Yoder
Brenda E. - 3 yard quilt kit from
Fabric Cafe'
Brenda E. - "Shimmer"
Brenda E. - Halloween Jellyroll
Race Quilt
Brenda E. - Civil War pattern
from MSQC
Brenda E - Jellyroll "Sizzle", front
Brenda E - Jellyroll "Sizzle", front
Quilt. 1st Bonnie Hunter Quilt👏👏
Judy S. - Combined Signature Quilt using
f friendship blocks from 2008, 2015, & 2022
Following "Show and Tell" the meeting was adjourned. Everyone enjoyed a delicious BBQ lunch with all the fixings, including desserts. Thank you to Judy S., Molly C., Jennifer R., and Brenda C. for providing lunch for us.