Monday, July 4, 2022

June 2022 Meeting

 Possum Town Quilters met for their regular monthly meeting on Saturday, June 11, 2022. The meeting opened with a welcome from guild president, Ina J.  There were 20 members and no visitors in attendance.  Minutes for the May meeting were approved as written on the blog on motion by Carol J. with a second by Judy S.  There was no change in the treasury report from the previous month.  

Old Business

MQA Fall Gathering - PTQ will be hosting the MQA Fall Gathering on October 14-15, 2022.  Pat H has donated a fall themed quilt for PTQ to raffle off at the Gathering.  A motion was made by Judy S. and seconded by Watana C. along with a unanimous vote that all money collected by the raffle will be donated to a charity of Pat's choice.  Tickets for the raffle will be sold 1 - $1 or 6 - $5.  Ticket packets will be ready to pick up at the August meeting. Tickets will be sold up to and throughout the Gathering and the winner will be drawn at the end of the Gathering.  

Bereavement Quilts for Hospital - Gwen S. talked with a hospital rep who said they had enough bereavement quilts but were in need of crocheted baby hats and receiving blankets. If anyone is willing and able to make these items, please bring them to the meetings and we can deliver them to the hospital.

New Business

Rent Quilt for RAC - PTQ will again be donating a quilt to the RAC for them to use how they see fit to raise money for the center which allows us to be able to continue to meet at the RAC at not cost.  We already have a quilt ready to donate for 2022. 

Committee Reports 

Challenge Quilt - There are still a few blocks needed to be completed for the challenge quilt.  If you still have blocks that need to be completed, please do so and bring them to the July meeting.
Charity Quilts -  no report
Historical Committee - A request was made that each charter member of PTQ write about the history of the guild and how it started.  All other members are encouraged to write down a memory of PTQ to help build the history of the guild.  Please turn in your documented bits of history and memories to Patti M.  She will compile everything and have Michelle M. add it to our scrapbook.  Patti has also agreed to create interview-like questions to help charter members with sharing their history with PTQ.
Internet Committee - no report
Pilgrimage Committee - no report
Publicity Committee - no report


Tonya S. gave a paper piecing demonstration for our program.  She went through the steps of how to create the separate pieces and put them together to create the design.  Also, PTQ members were asked to bring projects in that they have made using paper piecing.  

Show and Tell

Carol J. - Scrap Box
(Alex Anderson Pattern)

Watana C. - Animal Fair Baby Quilt

Watana C. - Flirty Flamingo Baby Quilt

Watana C. - Collage Quilt - Bouquet

Watana C. - Granddaughter's Collage Quilt

Julia G. - Southern Fiber Arts Group by Judi Sharpe
from a photo of her mom

CC - Bargello (2150 pieces)

Ina J. - 3yd Quilt - Quilt of Valor

Ina J. - 3yd. Quilt - Blue/Green Dragons

Julie M. - 1st Quilt - Flap Jack

Ebba K. - Owl Quilt

Judy S. - Serpentine Web

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