Possum Town Quilters Minutes for April 12, 2014
President Patti called our meeting to order and welcomed everyone. We had 20 members present and one guest, Katie, who later joined our PTQ. Welcome Katie. We hope you will enjoy our special group of ladies, who love to quilt and create.
Our April birthdays are: Joy B. - 29 April. Hope you have a wonderful birthday!
Old Business:
Challenge blocks are due by May 10th, our next PTQ meeting. If you have any questions, please contact Lawana.
For those who wanted to do the "Friendship Block" this year, we will each have to do 25 blocks. They will be due at our 2014 Christmas party. For more info, refer to last month's minutes.
Mary Ann will be taking your T-shirts on May 10th for those who want one with PTQ on the front and our emblem on the back.
The Education committee is still working on getting us a teacher for a project this year. We will be checking with Norma Grissom about a class on applique on a Friday or Saturday date. We will take the first 12 responders for a possible class. A motion was made to pursue contact with her with PTQ members paying their own fees, and PTQ will do her expenses. More info to follow.
Tonya gave our treasurer report. There were no changes, so a motion was made to except and a second was made.
New Business:
Lauren announced about our 2015 Ultimate Guild Challenge. A package was given out to those who want to participate for $10.00 with all this information, plus more. Our theme will be a "Southern Magnolia Flower". The finished size will be 36" x 36" +/- 1 inch. Your binding will be furnished by the committee with extra material available for purchase. A quilt label will need to be made and stitched down in bottom left corner of back. A hanging sleeve is required and made in accordance with AQS requirements. The deadline for this quilt is 12:00 p.m. on Saturday, January 10, 2015. PTQ will submit 8 quilts to AQS. The committee will have "check-in" dates to see your progress. If you have any questions, please contact one of the PTQG UCG committee members-CC, Julia, Terri, Lauren, Judy or Terry T.
Lawana was nominated for the "Outstanding Quilter for MQA". Congratulations, Lawana! Well deserved!
There will be quilts at our Lowndes library at 2:00 on Thursday, April 24. The ladies from the Columbus Sewing Circle will be telling the stories of the Underground Railroad to explain how people communicated during a difficult time in history. The quilts were full of codes for those searching for freedom from the bondage of slavery. The exhibit and Programs are free and open to the public. Call Brenda at 329-5300 for more information or check their website at www.lowndeslibrary.org. Hope you will take time to check this out and share with others.
A big thanks goes out to all those who helped work during the Pilgrimage. Next year we may do things a little different.
Thanks for our delicious lunch by Shirley, CC, Linda B. and Ebba.
Our lunch for May will be by Diane, Michelle and Patti.
Show and Tell - Enjoy!
Ebba, Julia and Judy quilting at Pilgrimage 2014
Linda B. with 85 Little houses-Pigeon Forge
Ebba's Dresden Block-Kay England in Pigeon Forge
Terry's Art block
Leada - Dresden block quilt - done by hand
Lauren w/her Iguana quilt
Next step on Medallion is to add different blocks, your choice.
Sample of some different kinds.
CC with her Medallion quilt
Lawana with her Medallion quilt
Diane's Christmas Medallion quilt
Mary Ann w/her Medallion quilt
Carol w/her Medallion quilt
Tonya with quilt for son and one for daughter
Patti with her medallion quilt
Lawana nominated for "Outstanding Quilter for MQA"
Ebba's - Klaudeen Hansen "Where's the Nine Patch"
Judy's RR Crossing by Cindy Blackberg
Judy-9 patches by Joe Morton
Judy-Jamestown landing-half sq triangles
Tonya's blocks
Tonya w/children's Easter clothes
Terry - Covenant Quilt |
Terry's Art block
Leada - Dresden block quilt - done by hand
Lauren w/her Iguana quilt
Next step on Medallion is to add different blocks, your choice.
Sample of some different kinds.
CC with her Medallion quilt
Lawana with her Medallion quilt
Diane's Christmas Medallion quilt
Mary Ann w/her Medallion quilt
Carol w/her Medallion quilt
Tonya with quilt for son and one for daughter
Patti with her medallion quilt
Lawana nominated for "Outstanding Quilter for MQA"
Ebba's - Klaudeen Hansen "Where's the Nine Patch"
Judy's RR Crossing by Cindy Blackberg
Judy-9 patches by Joe Morton
Judy-Jamestown landing-half sq triangles