Feb 1, 2025

February 1, 2025 Meeting


Meeting called to order. Pat Hickey made a motion to accept the minutes from January as posted on the blog and Ina seconded the motion.

Motion was made by Carol and seconded by Molly to approve the lunch budget be used on sewing days to provide members lunch.

We need someone to help head up the Quilt of Valor (QOV) project for the library on March 18th. Please contact us through PTQ email if you want to help with this program.

If you have quilts that are queen size or smaller, and would like to loan them to the library for display, they will need to be brought to the library by February 27th deadline, you may bring them directly to the library starting February 17th.

Nancy Losure is doing a demo for us in July. We had choices between Tumbling blocks or Chemo Cape/Shawl. The guild selected the Chemo Cape/Shawl and hope to use it as a charity project for the guild.

Barjello class will be lead by Judy in March with demo at the meeting day and a sew day on the 29th to create our own Barjellos. All details for this will be given with the demo at the March meeting. If needed we will hold an extra sew day on April 5th to finish our projects.

Door Prizes were drawn and the winners were Brend C., Tonya, and Cece.

November we will have a yard sale/swap day for our meeting day.

We discussed trying to schedule a National Teacher for the upcoming years. When we say national teacher we just mean a teacher who travels anywhere in the nation to teach. We ask those of you who are interested to email us your suggestions for who you would like to have come.

Show and Tell:

Pat Hickey - Mariner's Compass

Pat Hickey - Triangle Star

Gwen Sisson - Peacock Embroidery top

Tonya Stewart - Flintstone Block

Keep working on your bucket lists. Bucket list is a project that you have never started but always wanted to. It could be a kit that you have ordered in the past or would like to order and try. It could be a certain technique like paper piecing, applique, etc... We will provide slips of paper for you to put your name and whatever you would like to try to accomplish this year from your bucket list. Then we would like to seal them in an envelope to be opened at the Christmas party and see who tackled something they always wanted to. It does not have to be a completely finished quilted project.

Meeting was dismissed and we held our sew day. Pat was generous enough to run get lunch for us and bring it back.

We were able to finish the top for the Southern Sayings quilt and get the blocks done for the Quilt of Valor quilt.

Jan 18, 2025

January 18, 2025 Meeting

Possum Town Quilters met for our first day back for the new year! We enjoyed seeing everyone and meeting Gabby. Patti made a motion to accept the minutes as posted on the blog and Cece seconded the motion. The Treasurers report was read by Tonya. Carol made a motion to accept it as read and Pat seconded it.

Update on the Words of the South was given, just the top row to be sewn together and boarders put on before it will be ready to be quilted. Patti volunteered to finish the top, but it was also suggested we finish it at the sew day in February. We hope to have it ready for the June MQA gathering to sell raffle tickets. Patti will arrange for us to have a table for that purpose, but we do need volunteers to man the table.

February 1st will be our meeting day for February as MQA will be meeting on our regular meeting day. We will also have a sew day and work on the Words of the South as well as the quilt of valor. The Quilt of Valor website is https://www.qovf.org. Lunch will be provided by PTQ and Pat will bring a dessert. She needs one more volunteer to bring another dessert. Contact her/Possum Town email to let us know.

We announced the Pigeon Forge challenge for the year is "Land That I Love"...PTQ decided to opt out of this one for this year.

March 18th will be the library program and Brenda Crownover has suggested doing a QOV program of what it is, why we do it, etc... It was also suggested by Gabby that we do a barn quilt one, showing the barn quilts found on the barn quilt trail in fabric form.

Door Prize #1 was drawn and Ebba was our winner.
Shannon volunteered to be responsible for setting up the door prizes. We can always use fresh door prizes from any who would like to contribute.

If interested in becoming a MQA representative please email Terri Turnage/Patti Moore, or check out the website at https://www.mississippiquilt.org.

The calendar for the year is still a work in progress that we hope to have ready for you by the next meeting/sew day. For now we have QOV sew day on February 1st, Bargello Demo by Judy in March, and Bargello sew day in April.

Door Prize #2 was drawn and Patti was the winner.

For activities suggested for the year we had quite a few possibilities mentioned:
 1) Antelope Canyon quilt - possibly in May
 2) Tumbling Block quilt
 3) Chenille quilt - Brenda C. will see if she can find a teacher for
 4) Traveling Quilt 
 5) Organization Tip Sharing
 6) Ugly Fabric/Color Crayon Challenge
 7) Block Colorway swap
 8) Bucket List - create your list of projects you have always wanted to try/do and try to accomplish  them.
 9) Monthly/Seasonal Wall-hanging
10) Karen Demo a Mondo Bag

Door Prize #3 drawn and Molly was the winner.

Charity Quilt possibilities for the year are Pillowcases or Blankets for hospital or Dream Center. We will have to check for where the greatest need is.

Show and Tell:

Terri Turnage - Shop Hunt Quilt

                                                    Elaine - "Charmingly Imperfect House"

                                              Beth - "Go Dawgs" (pawprint quilting on back)

                                                             Carol - "Christmas Carnival"
                                                                Carol - "Coneflowers"

                        Brenda E. - "2024 Old Town Winter Mystery" (Bonnie Hunter design)

Next month's meeting (February 1st)  be sure to bring your bucket list and sewing machine with neutral threads.


Dec 20, 2024

December 2024 Charistmas Party

Possum Town Quilters met for our annual Christmas Party on Saturday, December 7, 2024. Members enjoyed a fun time of fellowship, delicious food and sharing.  We look forward to seeing everyone at the regular business meeting on January 11, 2025l. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!



                            Show and Tell

Terry T. - "Shogun"

Terry T. - "The Illustrator"

Karen C. - "Making Today Beautiful"

Karen C. - "Maggie's Crazy Cat Quilt"

Karen C. - "Moroccan Nights"

Jennifer R. - 

Brenda C; - 

Brenda C. & Judy S. - 
2024 PTQ Block of the Month

Molly C. - "Rhododendron Trail"

Judy S. - "Idaho Square Dance"

Judy S - "Signature Quilt"

Amber S. - Bargello

Nov 20, 2024

November 2024 Meeting

Possum Town Quilters met for their regular monthly meeting on Saturday, November 9, 2024. The meeting opened with a welcome from guild president, Karen Cauley.  Minutes for the October 24 meeting will be posted to the blog for review and approval by the next meeting.  The treasury report was given by Treasurer, Judy S.  There were no changes from the previous month's report.  The treasurers report was presented and approved by unanimously with a motion by Terri H. and seconded by Tonya S.  

Old Business

Committee Chair Reports

Raffle Quilt Committee - "Southern Sayings" - Tonya S. and Patti M. - The embroidered block has been completed by Brenda E.  It's almost pieced together.  The goal is to have it completed by Feb to take to the Spring Gathering so that we can sell tickets.  

New Business

New Officers for 2025

President - Karen C.

Vice President - Brenda C.

Treasurer - Judy S.

Secretary - Tony S.

- Karen asked members to submit program ideas.  She said the officers will try to have a calendar ready to hand out at the upcoming Christmas party.

- The Feb 25 meeting will be moved to the 1st Sat of the month.  The first saturday is QOV day and we will have a sew day to work on QOV blocks.  Materials and pattern will be provided.  Bring machines.  Lunch will be provided.  

- Maple Street Quilters have recently donated 9 quilts to Safe Haven, a non-profit organization for battered/abused women.  All of these quilts were hand quilted.  

- We will be bringing sewing days back once a quarter, or more, if enough interest.  Sew days will be immediately following the regular monthly meeting.  Lunch will be provided on sewing days.  Pat H. volunteered to act as coordinator for food.

- We still need to pay Barb D., Terri H., and CeCe C. for their work done on the Block Heads quilt

General Announcements:

December 7th Christmas Social will be held at Flint Hill Church in Caledonia.  Address is 80 Flint Hill Road, Caledonia.  

Program -

Rita W. and Patti M. shared quilts they have made together, virtually, over the past few years.  Most were Pat Sloan BOM's, Lori Holt BOM's, Sherri McConnoll BOM's and Bonnie Hunter mystery quilts.  The quilts, although made using the same pattern, look different due to fabric selection and quilt pattern selected.  Both said it's so much more fun to sew with a buddy than alone and it's also good to have someone to hold you accountable.  

Lori Holt BOM "Scrappiness is Happiness"

Sherri McConnoll's BOM 2022

Patti's Backing on "Scrappiness is Happiness"

"Taking the Train" - a pattern purchased and 
fabric selected from stashs

"Fruit Jars" - A fun project.  Veggie and fruit
fabric collected together and shared for over a year.  

Pat S. Quilt Along 2022 - Patti has gifted hers
already.  Rita's fabric was Anne of Green Gables by
Riley Blake

Pat Sloan "Secret Lives of Color" year long
sew along.   

"Quilters for Ukraine" - a Pat Sloan 
inspired sew along to show support for 
Ukraine,  Door Hangings

"Fall Frolic" - A Pat Sloan sew along

"Be My Neighbor" - A Pat Sloan 
sew along.  

"Rhododendron Trail" - The 2021 Bonnie Hunter 
mystery sew along. 

"Chilhowie" - The 2022 Bonnie Hunter
mystery sew along. 

Show and Tell

Tonya S. - Flintstone Paper Pieced blocks

Tonya S. - Flintstone Paper Pieced blocks

CeCe C. - An appliqued book
made for a special grandchild

CeCe C. - Beautiful applique

CeCe C. - A treasured quilt to her
grandchild.  A book of vowels.

Barb D. - a beautiful BOM

Carol J. - "Cabin in the Woods"

Carol J. - "Bear Paw"

Brenda C. - "Ruby Jubilee" 

Brenda C. - "Goodnight Irene"

Brenda C. - "Arrowhead"

Judy S. - "Bargello"